I’ve been actively involved in photography since my university days. I even took some photography courses. Back then I was using both color and black and white film and doing some dark room work. Remember those days? My biggest drawback was the cost of film and the developing. As a struggling student, the cost of photography was prohibitive, thereby making it an expensive hobby. Not any more.
I’ve always had a decent SLR camera, save for a few years when I was cash strapped and my 20 year old Cannon SLR died on me. Then came digital. The lid came off. I love the freedom to shoot my heart out with no monetary consequences. Once I’m locked onto a subject or scene, I become obsessive trying to get the right angle, color balance, composition or that illusive ‘precise moment’. Sometimes serendipity gels with being prepared.
I travel a lot. In the past fifteen years I’ve done a lot of international and North America travel. I’ve embraced the challenge of these new environments, the animals, the people, their customs, and my own personal experiences and perceptions. I will be doing a full blown photography website at some point, but for now, enjoy some of my favs. I prefer the great outdoors and natural lighting.
I asked a friend (who had a very expensive camera and plenty of attachments), what he thought was the best camera. He replied, “The one that’s in your hands.” And as another friend once said, “It’s not the wand, it’s the magician.” I also live by the motto I learned in scouts, “Be prepared!” It has served me well. From the Serengetti plains of Africa, to Machu Pichu in Peru, to Ankor Watt in Cambodia, to the streets of Bombay in India, or events like the Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver, to World Cup Rugby in France, England, Wales and New Zealand, or at music concerts and festivals, to boat trips into desolate areas, I try to capture and enjoy those essential moments, places or subjects. I hope you do too.
Comments, compliments, questions or ‘reproduction rights’ enquiries, are always welcome. Enjoy my photographic eye.