48) Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania / April 2012

Mount Kilimanjaro
This is the highest mountain in Africa and it’s close to the Kenya and Tanzania border. It has a summit height of approximately 19,341 feet. It’s also the highest volcano outside of South America. I’ve wanted to climb it ever since I first saw it in 1987, (its actually more of a trek that requires getting used to the low oxygen). Kilimanjaro actually has three distinct volcanic cones, two of which last erupted about 1 million years ago.

I had the good fortune to actually fly right over the top of its saddle plateau in my first visit. But seen from below, at quite a distance, the snow-capped top is very visible except when snow clouds hover around it. It’s a truly majestic sight from either country.

For this photo I was on the Kenya side on a morning safari in Amboseli National Park. The park itself was declared a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1991. We encountered many elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras and monkies. I’d highly recommend this park for a rewarding safari and excellent stay in one of the picturesque lodges where I actually celebrated my 57th birthday.

There are two lions barely visible in this photo but even more are hidden in the tall grass, and that thorn tree was the largest we encountered in all our safaris!

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